Monday, July 18, 2011

Campbell in a quandary over carbon

Ms Bligh's husband, Greg Withers, is the assistant director-general of the state's Office of Climate Change.
She says the Opposition should debate ideas, not family members.
I can give this guarantee, I won't be at any stage insulting or criticising any member of Mr Newman's family.
But we also need to recognise that as part of the play you need to be looking at ongoing sustainable technological developments and looking to change behaviour."
Dr Clark, the CSIRO's chief executive, said 25 per cent of carbon savings came from changed human behaviour, with 75 per cent coming from sustainable development and technology.
On Sunday Mr Newman said he wanted science to play a larger role in policy development and criticised Premier Anna Bligh's husband, Greg Withers, as the head of the Office of Climate Change.
"Our plan, which we will detail further over coming months, will see the chief scientist properly in charge of science policy and the government's applied science efforts."
Mr Newman could not be interviewed yesterday over whether the LNP's policy on climate change would be influenced by the view on carbon of Queensland's chief scientist.
A statement provided by his office said the LNP did not have a problem with Queensland's chief scientist, only the ALP's carbon tax policy, which it said would cost jobs.
Treasury modelling says jobs will be created in other areas, disputed by the Resources Council.
"The LNP's argument is with the ALP's carbon tax policy, which will destroys jobs, and the economy and do nothing to help the environment,” the statement said.
“The LNP is committed to using proper science to identify the necessary actions required for many decisions, including climate change.

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