Friday, July 15, 2011

The Ghosts (Or At Least Stuff) Of Exes Past

Leonardo DiCaprio and Blake Lively are dating. And—at least according to The National Enquirer—Blake was none too pleased when she was at Leo's New York apartment recently and discovered a suitcase full of lingerie belonging to his ex, model Bar Refaeli. Allegedly, she flipped out, and Leo—being the gentleman that he is—promptly marched down to the dumpster to destroy the evidence. A nice save, considering his first reaction probably went something like, "Don't worry, she just hasn't picked it up yet." [CelebSlam]

We feel (insecure?) for Blake. We too have had unfortunate experiences with traces of exes past in guys' homes. After the jump, some stories from Frisky staffers and friends. Cringe for us, please.


Alicia Keys Alicia Witt Amanda Bynes Amanda Detmer

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